How can we fuse our insights from experiential design, deep creativity, and punk innovation with recent advances in technology to fuel a trajectory toward a net-collective consciousness and positive and positive collective efforts?
Psycho-ontological Transformation (PoT).
PoT represents a monumental shift in one’s understanding of self and reality. It delves into the profound depths of human consciousness and existence, propelling an exploration of self and the often uncharted territory of ontology. In doing this, the wider project aims to explore ways of cultivating a form of net-collective consciousness. This is not a utopian pipe dream but a fundamental necessity for a balanced existence. It revolves around the notion of global interconnectedness, weaving a collective point of reference and understanding tangible, embodied, and shared values. This intercultural unity arises from recognising a shared humanity, fueling a trajectory toward net positive and global collective efforts.
The Cognition Project.
This is our big-picture research initiative that combines advances in experiential design with emerging technologies to explore methods of stimulating profound psycho-ontological transformation—a pursuit that has remained elusive since the 16th century. This transformation is orchestrated through transformative experiences that awaken and trigger moments of enlightenment in individuals, stimulating phenomena such as the ‘overview effect’ or achieving ‘necessary distance’ from entrenched perspectives.
Instruments and interventions.
We are currently working on a collection of six experiential instruments and interventions which are now ready to be prototyped ideally in collaboration with various specialist manufacturers and partners. We are particularly interested in working with specialists in the fields of sculptural furniture, upholstery, wireless audio equipment, space exploration, bespoke engineering and robotics programs.

Datum 1 is an intimate cocoon that metaphysically links its occupant to the real-time rotation of the earth within the universe. This innovative instrument rotates silently throughout the day, focusing solely on the Lagrange Point, located some 900,000 miles into space. By aligning the user’s experience with the earth’s natural rhythms, Datum 1 fosters a profound sense of connection to the planet and the cosmos. It serves as a meditative space where occupants can reflect on their place in the universe, promoting a deeper understanding of our interconnected existence.

Cubsule 1 is an intriguing storage capsule that merges state-of-the-art aerospace engineering with 18th-century tambour cabinetry. This unique piece opens only by reading the electrical impulse map emitted by its user as they approach. Instead of relying on advanced biometric scanners, Cubsule 1 uses an oak sapling nurtured deep within the unit, highlighting the unexplored neurobiology of plants. Italian scientists have fine-tuned a device that reads tree impulses, which are unique to each living being. This harmonious blend of nature and technology creates a storage solution that is both secure and deeply personal.

Twigg is a system of large, seemingly random yet modular nest twigs. This innovative design uses ‘negative forms’ to create sleeping areas that are auto-instinctively generated by combining the owner’s DNA maps with nest-making behaviours specific to their geographic location. Birds and humans share over 60% of their genomes and the instinct to construct enclosures for nurturing, protection, and living. Twigg emulates these prehistoric and profound instincts on an interactive scale, offering a personalized and organic living space that evolves with the user’s natural inclinations.